Should every marketing person have an experience in motor racing? If they did, they would know why Corner Exit Speed is so important to success.
Here’s the thought…
Corners connect the straightaways. Given two racers, the one who exits the corner fastest will then continue that edge in speed down the straightaway thereby pulling ahead of their competition. Racers know and use the Late Apex theory when ever possible. (here’s a great article on cornering or a great image)
Exit the same corner as your competition but do so 1 MPH faster and you’ll travel every inch down the straightaway 1 MPH faster as well.
Can you see why Corner Exit Speed is critical?
Switching to Marketing
We are all in competition. We’re in competition with ourselves (goals, objectives, etc.) and with others in the same field.
We’re all looking for that little edge, that extra something to put us ahead of the competition. Speed is time, time is money.
Let’s say you’ve decided to implement a new tool. You’ve done your homework, you know it’ll make you more competitive – perhaps it’s even something that’ll set you apart from the competition.
If you could implement that new tool today, as opposed to a month from now, at the end of the year you would be 30 days ahead – right? Now vs 2 months from now? 6 Months? You get the idea, right? In the competition of business…
Every minute you don’t do something is a minute you fall behind.
I know that sounds overly dramatic but it’s true. It’s a minute you’ll never be able to make up. Ever.
Yes, we can’t (and we shouldn’t) just drop what we’re doing and do that new shiny thing. We all need to put things off. The good thing is, so does our competition. The big difference is… for how long? Or better yet, how fast can you enact and implement?
Enacting or Implementing a new tool a day, week or month earlier is that 1 MPH difference to a racer.
TRUE STORY: I mention this because I talk to a lot of people who have decided to implement a particular tool, yet don’t. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Custom Facebook Page App, or a WordPress Website – they know they need it, they know they want it, they know it’ll set them apart from their competition. Yet they are stuck, not in indecision but in time. They’ll say they’ll be ready to get started right after (fill in the blank) happens. A week goes by, then another. Suddenly there’s another (fill in the blank) moment that we need to take care of and then we’ll get started. Pretty soon it’s been a month or maybe two. Finally, six months later, the stars align and it’s time to pull the trigger.
It happens all the time. I have clients who pop back up when they are finally ready. We build them their new website or Page App, teach them how to use it and they are better off for it. But I can’t help to think, as a marketer and a racer, what could have been, had they acted faster. How much farther ahead of their competition would they be today?
Are you ready to race? [maxbutton id=”11″]
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