Sometimes I’ll use a photo or screen capture that illustrates a point. I’ll also use an image more as a pun. No matter which, it’s images are what make our posts interesting and appealing to the eye. What happens when you don’t have the right image? Do you do a Google Image search and just …
Asking for help
I spend a good deal of my day helping people. It’s in my DNA. Have a problem with Twitter? I might know the solution. Is Facebook confusing you? Once again – I’d be happy to help but I want you to play my game… Ask me Publically and I’ll answer Publically. You could always tweet …
How to get a Vanity URL for your Facebook Page
Finding my Page on Facebook is easy. I’m at How do you get your own cool URL? First step get your page going… If you haven’t already, go to Here’s the new Create a Page screen (as of April 1st) Next add …
My 12 favorite images from REBarcamp/San FRancisco and Inman Connect
First of all – mad props to Vincent and the rest of the peeps at for the radical 24mm f/1.4L Mark II USM Lens. All I can say is WOW!! While I wasn’t able to shoot the video I wanted, I was able to get some great images. I’m a complete n00b to the photography world and I have to …
Facebook Profile or Page?
Straight from my email Inbox Q. “Mike, if I am in business (let’s say I’m a real estate agent) do I set up a Facebook profile for my business or do I setup a Business Page? A. Looking just at the Facebook Terms of Service (TOS) Section 3, Point 1: 3. We do our best to keep Facebook safe, but …