The 19th in the series of…
20 Secret Blogging Tips in 20 Days
There’s got to be an Adele reference in here somewhere! Check out the bottom of this post to see the rest.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Nothing adds spark to a blog post than pictures.
You learned back on tip #3 How to find and use Images and not get sued that you can’t just go grab an image off Google and use it. But, you know what’s better than an image? A video!
I do a ton of videos. Looking at my Youtube Channel most are instructional screen capture videos. I tend to do a few talking head videos as well. I had a small mishap today and dropped a camera into a pool.
BTW: Did you know most of the videos I do, you never see? Often times for clients I’ll answer a question for them via private video. I also produce videos for clients – they never make it into my posts either.
Back to video.
Let me answer that by saying I can’t think of a good reason for you to NOT do videos.
Let’s get the easy ones out of the way first.
You are not that ugly. Your voice doesn’t sound that bad. The equipment and technology isn’t that hard. And video doesn’t take much longer to create than a regular post. Now quit your whining, let’s move on.
Nothing will get your point across like you in a video. Outside of you talking to your clients face to face – there’s nothing that compares to that.
Nothing coveys your passion like video. That look in your eye (you know the one). That look that people have said when you get started talking about that something – they can see the conviction in your eyes. Can you put that into words? Can a picture capture that? It can’t. It’s either face to face or video that can.
There’s also the sad truth… Every single post we create, every tweet we tweet, every status update we do – we’re fighting for peoples attention. To me that’s very sad – but it’s also very true. Do you know what else is true? Nothing captures people’s attention like video. I believe people will get to know you, understand you, and most importantly learn to LIKE you with video.
I’ve mentioned it before. Google is watching. They are watching to see just how long you can ‘engage’ the people they send to you. Time on Site is what they call it and it matters BIG TIME.
Here’s a chart from my own Google Analytics
How sad is that? A huge majority of the people that visit this site leave in less than 10 seconds.
Here’s a small beam of light though. If I separate those that have been here before from those that are visiting for the first time look what happens to that time spent.
Is that because for those Returning Visitors know me, like me, and stay a while? I think so. I hope so.
Here’s a test. Close to 600 or so people will read this post in the next day or so. If you are a first time visitor can you leave me a comment or email me and tell me why? Why did you stay, why did you scroll, why did you get all the way down to the bottom of this post. If you are a returning visitor, I’d love to hear the same answers.
BONUS: Since the average time spent on my site is 4:26 for a returning visitor – or even 1:15 across all classes, how long should your video be? I shoot for 2 and a half minutes for most of them. The video above has nothing to do with this post and is almost 3 minutes. How long did it capture your attention? Just wondering…
Ready for a killer wordpress website? Click HERE. Read the rest of the series…
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