I build websites for a variety of people and businesses. I’ve been installing Google Analytics for site owners whenever possible. Sometimes I’ll even add the site to my own analytic account just to make sure it’s getting the hits it was designed for.
On today’s radio show Jeremy mentioned the series of videos below. I had seen mention of them come across my feed reader but have been busy (building websites) and hadn’t taken the time to watch them.
Although they are targeted to the shopping cart styled sites (i.e. selling products), they make the simple point.
“Discover what your customers are looking for.”
I’m in the process of redesigning my site. I’m not doing it on a whim. I’m looking at my historical Google Analytics.
I’m looking at traffic sources, referral sources, bounce rates, landing pages and calls to action.
[maxbutton id=”7″]
Real Life Example
My redesign is taking out more of the clutter and focusing on calls to action and driving visitors deeper into my site. You’ll see that on the Home Page and on the sidebars as you go deeper in the site. That button above? – it’s a test. It’s what’s called ‘instream’. I’m testing it vs the usual one on the sidebar. I’ll track the diference in clicks between the two in Google Analytics and see what effect it has on click thru rates.
I want you to delve deeper into my site. The more time you spend here, the more you’ll be apt to get to know me better, the better chance I have to earn your business. To entice you to do so, at the bottom of every post is a You might also like: with 4 related posts. Go ahead, click away – get lost in my site. 🙂
Landing Pages
Note: A landing page (sometimes called a squeeze page) removes most all the ‘other’ distractions from the visitor focusing on the specific call to action it’s designed for. I build targeted landing page for websites and Facebook Pages. Here’s an example on my own site for Custom Facebook Page Apps. It’s the opposite of trying to get them to delve deeper into the site.
The video below illustrates bad landing page design in a real life setting.
If you want a great site, set up with Google Analytics you know what to do. The big question is going to be which of the two buttons are you going to push? LOL!
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