My daughter is graduating High School in few days and I wanted to share a letter my wife wrote to her. I could never write something as beautiful as this. I’m a blogger, a tweeter. I write in short 140 character paragraphs. Enough about me, just read the letter…
My dearest Emily,
Words cannot begin to describe how proud I am of you! When your dad and I decided we were ready to become parents, we did not make the decision lightly. We were burdened with the thought of bringing a child into a world that can hold such tragedy and heartache. As parents you envision a perfect world and a loving, tolerant society in which to raise your child, but you know that isn’t reality. How better to change the world we live in than to raise a loving, caring, conscientious person who can go forward and continue to create a more beautiful world?
Before you were even born you seemed in a hurry, you even insisted on coming into the world three weeks early. When it came time for school, the kindergarten teacher said she had nothing else she could teach you so they moved you on to first grade. In middle school you chose to take summer classes at DVC. You continue to seek knowledge and new challenges and you conquer it all very well.
You have grown so much over the last four years in so many ways. Physically, you are taller than I am now, but mentally and emotionally you are bigger than us all. Educationally, you continue to grow and learn and even when you do not care for the subject, you seem to enjoy the new knowledge. I find myself having amazing conversations with you and I am always learning something new from you. Every day I am proud of the person you are becoming and we know you will make a difference in this world.
College is only two short months away; what an exciting new chapter in your life. You have the opportunity now to explore who you are and what you may want to become. This is a time in your life to look both inside yourself and forward to what may be. In whatever you choose we know you will do your best and will continue to grow along the way.
You have exceeded our biggest hopes and dreams. If we could have put a personal order in, or written an exact recipe for the perfect child, you could not possibly have been any better than the person you are. No one is perfect, of course, but the wonderful part is that you strive to achieve your personal best and by doing so you challenge us to become better as well. You are constantly challenging your mind, your body and your soul, all with grace and humor.
Looking back at our decision to bring a child into this unsettled and unfair world, we have no regrets. You are, and will continue to be, a person who will make things better and brighter and you make us very proud. We love you!
Wow! That’s everything I would want to say, everything I feel! I’m more than blessed to have these women in my life.
Thank you girls!
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