75% OFF!
Until next Thursday, you can save up to 75% OFF all purchased Page LIKE’s or Twitter follows, or Google +1’s or whatever social media metric you value! Hurry! You must ACT NOW!
Of course, I’m kidding. You know me better than that – right?
Disclosure: I build Custom Facebook Page Apps designed to increase Page LIKEs as well as other calls to action important to a small business.
Yet it downright baffles me just how many people place a value on meaningless numbers.
Actually… Now that I said that, I take it back. Those numbers are not meaningless.
Be it the number of LIKEs or,
the number of Followers or,
the number in your circles, or YouTube subscriptions, or Pinterest Boards
The numbers are real. Whether the people are or not is another question.
Unfortunately it’s those numbers that you have determined to set as a metric to measure your social media success. That’s the meaningless part. That’s the fail.
I’d take 10 Raving Fans over having 10,000 meaningless likes
There’s no success in irrelevant numbers or goals or levels. And yet, over on Fiverr I can name around 17,000 people who are willing to sell you as much irrelevancy as you want to buy.
A quick search on Google would get you somewhere around 73 MILLION results. Yes, it’s a sad world out there. Or depending on your view of modern day capitalistic theory – it could be a pretty great day! Oh, never mind.
Have you ever been invited by one of your real friends to a dinner party or BBQ? Sure you have. Let’s say you just got off the phone with your real friend Bob. Sounds like a great BBQ this weekend! But in this case, it’s not at Bob’s house but at one of his friend’s house – someone you don’t know. Maybe you accepted because your friend Bob kept saying, “You just have to meet Jim and Sally! You’ll love them!” And so you accepted. The party was supposed to start at 2PM and you arrived fashionably late at 2:30PM only to walk in to find there was no Bob to be found. It felt kind of awkward right?
That’s the same feeling people get when they go to a page with little or no content or likes. Early to the Party Awkward.
And it’s true! Be nice to your friends, please don’t do that to them.
But I know what you are going to say
“You have to start somewhere…“
And I totally agree. So why not start with your Facebook Friends?
And hey, it doesn’t help that Facebook does just about everything it can to get you to spam your friends.
The problem is that if you do, you were NOT the first and certainly not the last. You really need a different approach. A quick look at my inbox might show you why.
Get the idea? We’re all getting bombarded by the exact same message and it’s nothing special. Your Page may be the greatest thing EVER, but your message isn’t going to get thru. Does that make sense?
I know. You want answers. And you probably would like something besides the now cliche “Engage your Fans” rhetoric that you might usually see here right about now. OK, here’s what I would do.
FIRST: Complete your Page. Get a cover image up, the perfect Profile Image, fill out the about tab, add a custom app or two (hint hint) and add content. Not just a single post but at least a week or two worth. Add a few hings to the Timeline as well. What you are doing is “Setting the Table” for your guests before they arrive. Go ahead, make the place look nice. You know how to be a great host.
NEXT: Do you have real friends on Facebook? You know those people you counted on to be the first one to dance at your dance party? The first one in the pool at your pool party? No, not Crazy Larry! You know the type. Let’s call them the Ice Breakers. You can count on them to get the party over that awkward phase. Hit them up. No, not by the same spammy method above. Send them an email or a message, ask them to LIKE your Page. Ask them to comment on a thing or two. Comment back to them. This is like getting that first couple to go out on the barren dance floor.
FINALLY: Create an email to send it out to all those people you really want to LIKE your Page. These are your past clients, present clients, potential clients, co workers and so on. Construct this email with the same care you would if you were inviting them to a dinner party. This isn’t a press release it’s supposed to be a real invitation to your page. When they arrive you’ll have the table set, the place will look great, and there will even be people out on the dance floor! You bet you’ll get LIKE’s and better yet maybe even a few RAVING FANS.
(*ok, here’s where I’d say you better start engaging them)
Need someone to like your Page? Need to find that first one to jump in the pool? Someone to start the dancing? I’d be happy to help – with a small catch.
Here’s my Page: facebook.com/MikeMuellerConsulting post on the timeline a link to your page, what your page is about, and any other important details. I’ll LIKE it and I’ll probably bring a few friends to like it too.
BUT… Make sure you have that FIRST part done before you do so.
The Cost? Free! And I offer a 100% money back guarantee. Try getting that kind of deal over at Fivver! 😉
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