The other day a good friend of mine Lesley Lambert tweeted that her Facebook Page was still there but all the content of hers was not. That’s weird. She’s been adding content to her Facebook Page for a very long time. She’s a regular blogger and has hundreds if not thousands of posts, most …
Multiple blogs or a single blog?
Recently I spoke at Richard Robbins Achieve in Toronto. While we couldn’t get to all the questions during the event we promised to answer them all. The following is just one of many… Question: Should we have multiple blogs or focus all content in one blog? Assuming the focus is somewhat …
Comment, ReTweet, Like or Share?
I attended a session at REBlogWorld titled, “Is the Real Estate Blog Dead?” It was moderated by the ever smart Rob Hahn and featured an All Star Panel, Jay Thompson, Teresa Boardman and Sarah Stelmok – all of which have blogs that are very much alive and well. Our posts today are spread …
Finding Images
Sometimes I’ll use a photo or screen capture that illustrates a point. I’ll also use an image more as a pun. No matter which, it’s images are what make our posts interesting and appealing to the eye. What happens when you don’t have the right image? Do you do a Google Image search and just …