Installation and customization of a WordPress based website at your host of choice.
(GoDaddy Hosting requires a $50 extra service fee)
Installation will use the highest stable version of WordPress at the time.
Current and stable version of any free theme will be used.
Cost of a premium Genesis theme is included.
Theme choice is relative to the needs expressed by the client.
Customization may include any of the following. Custom header graphic based on images supplied by client. Background image as supplied by client. Additional graphics and assets as supplied by client. Basic manipulation and implementation of graphics. Font, colors and other features as defined in style guide, if supplied by client. Basic manipulation of theme code, both css and .php as required. Extensive modification of code should not be needed but, if required, may result in an additional charge.
All assets supplied by the client are assumed to be their property and free from copyright and trademark restrictions.
Graphic Design:
Includes basic photo and graphic manipulation as needed.
Additional image creation can be contracted. Costs of outside graphic design are not included in this proposal.
Over 18 stable WordPress plug-ins will be installed, and modified, to fit the site. These will include various SEO enhancing plug-ins, backup and security plug-ins and social media engagement plug-ins. These include popular social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Technorati and Digg. Twitter users will have retweet capability. Facebook users will have the SHARE button as well as the LIKE button with comments going to their stream. The Facebook Page will be brought in via a LIKE box on the sidebar. From that box visitors can LIKE the Facebook Page, see the Page Wall and see images of their friends who also LIKE the Page. Comments will be handled by a comment management system. Users will be able to sign in to the site using their Twitter, Facebook or other accounts. All installed plug-ins will be the most current versions at time of delivery.
Import of existing blog posts from an outside source is not guaranteed.
Initial setup estimated at 6 pages (diferent from posts)
All future blog posts will be created, formatted and published by the client.
Scope of Time:
If client provides all necessary assets, the site would be ready for initial client approval in 5 to 10 business days.
Comment moderation, replies, blog posts, page updates and software updates are the responsibility of the client.
Upon completion, site will carry a 30 day unlimited warranty on all code.
After 30 day period, support would be available on a contract basis.
Developer is not responsible for hosting issues, server issues, domain name registration issues or other 3rd party applications.
Full refunds are available any time before work starts on the project. Work is described as the first install of WordPress on a server, either the clients host or a staged server.
Upon completion of the site client will have a one hour personal training session to learn how to use the tools for best SEO, visitor engagement and lead capture. Additional time available at $100/hr as needed.