I’ve seen quite a few people lately who have had their twitter account ‘hacked’ and it’s now sending out spam dm messages.
Things like you would never say, like “lmao…omg i am laughing so hard at this pic of you u i just found” with a link.
If I click on that link it’ll start the ball rolling with my twitter account and I certainly don’t want to be hacked myself. That doesn’t mean you are bad person, or you need to shred your hard drive, or delete your Twitter account.
All that has happened is that you have given permission (accidentally) to a 3rd party to access Twitter on your behalf. That’s normally a good thing. For instance there’s a big Retweet button on this blog. Click it and it will tweet this article to your followers. But there’s also bad 3rd party applications out there and that’s what we need to address.
Very simply, go to your settings and remove every and all application. The good and the bad. Don’t worry, you can add the good ones back in the next time you go to use them.
Now change your password. Chances are you were not hacked because someone got your password but change it just in case – besides it’ll make you feel better.
Easy Peasy right?
Now go ReTweet this and let everyone know how easy it is to regain control of their twitter account!
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