I JUST REACHED my 5-year blogging milestone.
And even though I’m not as efficient blogging machine as Mr. Mike Mueller; blogging has been a major contributor to the bottom line of my business. But like what our grandmas used to say, If you want a sweet, juicy fruit you would have to wait for it to ripe in the tree.
Adopt the Pace of Nature: Her Secret is Patience — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Five years from now, where do you want to be the best at? And how are you planning on going about it?
When I asked myself that question, I was a young real estate agent in the best luxury brokerage in town. I did not and could not sell a million dollar home. What I began to discover is if I want to sell a high-end home, I need not only be the best in marketing the home, I needed to brand myself deserving of that listing.
I hated this, to be honest with you. But that’s how our culture has evolved esp. the last ten years.
“Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.” –Eric Schmidt, Ex CEO, Google
I needed to look the part –fake it til’ you make it! Well, I did work really hard at it (remarkable content, layout, design, SEM) when a flashbulb idea came to me one day: I was walking past the office of the top real estate agent in our office; everybody knew her, she had five assistants, she was very involved in the community, and overall, just such a nice and fine lady.
I told myself: there is absolutely no way I can win over her in a prospective listing appointment. Nobody knew me. I didn’t have the foggiest history of selling high end homes.
Online… We were on equal grounds. Out of state home buyers wouldn’t know who she is or me. I have a much better chance of winning, if… I blaze a new trail. If I play in a whole new playing ground. Something that very few, at that time, have blazed.
The started my five year journey. A few years after, I closed my first ever million dollar deal. I didn’t know a single soul in the area. I got him off my blog.
We have in our midst the greatest marketing opportunity the world has ever known.
But it took sweat and tears to be working on the site day in, day out. Even harder, coming back in the ring once you quit. Yes, I quit. Twice. But you just have to pick yourself up and start fighting again. Not seeing results you want? Tweak, master your craft, study other’s past successes.
Rinse and Repeat.
And this applies to social networking, SEO, PPC or Facebook campaigns. Five years flies. I can tell you that wholeheartedly.
I want you to succeed. It’s worth every ounce of effort. We have in our midst the greatest marketing opportunity the world has ever known. But focus, focus, focus. Don’t get caught up in the fads of never ending search for shiny new ideas — “You Don’t Gotta Have It”. This is the only way to stand out. Focus.
I see Mike as an example of this — how many proclaim themselves to be social network gurus? Tends of Thousands. How many does the work require to live up to that title? Not a lot. No wonder Mike’s “the guru of the so-called social gurus.”
- The Secret to Converting a Surfer to Client - April 23, 2013
- My Open Letter to a President Goes Viral (well, sort of) - December 26, 2012
- 5-Year Question Every Online Marketer Needs to Ask - May 9, 2012