I go to a lot of conferences. It’s a great place to meet new people, start conversations and solidify relationships. There’s always a lot of networking involved and I always come home with gaggles of business cards. We all do right?
When someone hands you their business card, you reciprocate with one of your own. Then, a week later I would magically start to receive newsletters I never signed up for. You too? Sometimes there’s an unsubscribe at the bottom – other times there’s not.
Correct me if I’m wrong but when I said, “Hi it’s nice to meet you!” the next words out of my mouth were NOT “please sign me up for your newsletter…” were they?
I thought I’d be smart and start handing out a different card at conferences. That still didn’t work.
Then I switched to just stickers.
Great buzz and you definitely stand apart from the crowd but I still get the crap newsletters. How’s this instead…
Can you hear me now?
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