Doing Podcasts Right
But I’ll get to that later… So a weird thing happened yesterday. We had the incredible Leigh Thomas Brown on the radio show (Social Media Edge) and naturally we were talking about her book “Outrageous Authenticity“.
But the part that struck me was this. Leigh (and Ken) like to talk politics on their profiles. These are topics that are near and dear to them personally. Occasionally they’ll even cuss. Like most salespeople, they use their profiles and the conversations that happen there to attract new business. Because of what they share on their profiles, the new business they attract are generally people who have come to see them as real people and are in some way endeared to them. Fair enough, right?
Like them I try to be authentic in what I put out there but I’m very different in that I choose not to put certain things out there. The list is short. You won’t see much in the way of Politics, Sex, Religion or cussing from me on social networks. Why?
Although I have strong, well formulated opinions in all those topics BUT I don’t want my next potential client to decide to use my services (or not use my services) because of those opinions. I also know all the swear words and use them on a regular basis – but you won’t see me Swearing like a Sailor at a meetup or online. It’s just not good business sense.
I talked to Leigh about that here:
I agree with her bulldog point but I still disagree with the general idea that if it’s important to you, you must “put it out there”. You can still be opinionated and authentic without potentially offending others if you stay away from the polarizing topics that are outside of your field of business.
Instead I suggest that if it’s important to you AND it’s related to the business you are in, it’s a great idea to “put it out there”. Keyword AND.
I got to reflecting after the show. I am opinionated and do show that to the public on a regular basis (for the related fields in which I work). If you’ve read this site for long you’ll know my dislike for ‘automation’ – those time saving plugins and widgets that automatically post your stuff to 37 different social media networks.
You’ll also know how I groan every time I get added to a new newsletter. I have a blog for just that ( Heck, just last week I started another site for What’s Ruining Facebook Today.
While those both help me vent – I don’t like being so negative. I’d much rather talk about how to do things right.
Since everyone is high on Podcasting right now I want to show you how to do a podcast right. Not the actual podcast part but the part after you have the show recorded.
Last week I was a guest on a podcast done by Greg Fly. Greg uses libsyn for his media player (think of it as a paid version of YouTube for audio) and embedded the sound file into a blog post.
“SWEET! I do that too!”
Not so fast. That’s the easy part. The next thing Greg does is grab a transcript of the audio and inserts the text of that into the blog post. Do you do that too? I bet not.
For those that want to listen, there’s the audio player right there. For those that want more (like if I mention a link) there’s text below that has that link.
Additionally Google has an easier time digesting what the podcast is about with a transcript (the same goes for video). That makes for better SEO.
You can find someone on Fiverr that will transcribe for you and send you the text. Then all you have to do is cut and paste.
Even if you don’t go the transcription route you can at least give the reader a synapsis of what the podcast was about, who was talking and list any links they might have mentioned.
Moral of the story: Take a moment to do things better. That’s all. Stop looking for shortcuts and start looking for ways to do everything just a little bit better.
Here’s the link to Greg’s post:
And here’s the actual podcast embedded here:
Oh, if you want to listen to the entire show with Leigh (and I recommend it) here’s the show:
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