Following along in my theme that you need to own “Homebase” I came across this story today.
Flickr Accidentally Deletes a User’s 4,000 Photos and Can’t Get Them Back
Major, major stumble from Flickr today—a Zurich-based photoblogger says Flickr deleted his account by mistake and lost his 4,000 photos.
Not a total loss as he has copies on his hard drive but he did lose all his friend connections, his comments and all of his social capital in the network. His account wasn’t free either. Like me, he was a PRO member. What did the company have to say about the error?
Unfortunately, I have mixed up the accounts and accidentally deleted yours. I am terribly sorry for this grave error and hope that this mistake can be reconciled. Here is what I can do from here:
I can restore your account, although we will not be able to retrieve your photos. I know that there is a lot of history on your account-again, please accept my apology for my negligence. Once I restore your account, I will add four years of free Pro to make up for my error.
Yeah thanks! I love the Flickr network and hope they have a better response coming than this. Coincidentally I have just over 4,000 pictures on the network myself. Me? I’d be more than a little upset if my pics were gone. I have backups, and things do happen, but what a pain.
How safe do you feel about your stuff online?
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