I like to challenge myself each month on weird stuff. This month I’ve challenged myself to produce a video each day that is short yet informative, educational, and actionable.
Here’s Day 2
On the 1st Page of Google? That’s awesome! Are you sure?
TL:DR Here’s how to really find out where you are in a Google Search Result.
Following The Money
Google makes money selling ads. You knew that already. Google makes money in selling those ads IF people are using their search engine. There’s plenty of other search engines out there (Bing, Yahoo, MSN and many more). One of the many ways they make sure we all continue to use them for search is to bundle products and services (Gmail, Google Docs and so on). Another way is to do their bast to make sure the search results they provide are the best or at least the most relevant they can be to that individual.
To deliver the most relevant search results, Google’s algorithm factors in things like your personal browsing history, search history, your prior and current location and even the sites your friends (on Google+) have liked – just to name a few. That means that the Google Search Results that you see really aren’t the same results anyone else sees.
You could sign out of Google or just open up an “Incognito Window” in your browser but that still won’t give you an accurate view.
Stripping Away The Layers
Here’s a simple way to see the raw, unvarnished Google results. It’s called Goosh.org. It’s stripped down ‘shell’ of Google Search. It’s not pretty but it tells the truth and that’s what we really want, right?

If you watched the video you might have seen how great I ranked on Google both while signed in and incognito. Not so much on Goosh – but hey, it’s the unvarnished truth and sometimes that’s good to know.
Is there a topic you’d like to see me cover?
Check out the entire series!
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing the Perfect Blog Post - March 14, 2023
- 8 Questions Your Web Developer Should Have Asked - April 27, 2021
- Slack, Chat or Discord? - April 6, 2021