Tell the world you are leaving Facebook!
This started Monday morning when I opened up my Google Plus and saw that Eric had tagged me on a post and wanted my opinion…
Turns out this company announced they were deleting their page on Facebook because they ran some ads and thought that some bots (automated programs) were clicking on their ads causing them to spend extra $. They also wanted to change the name of their page and couldn’t. They suggest that Facebook told them they could spend $2,000 a month on advertising and they would then change it for them. They contend that the bots weren’t their deciding factor, it was the $2,k that sent them over the edge.
For the Record:
They didn’t have proof that the bots in question were from Facebook or a competitor, and didn’t supply actual proof of bots. Their story is that they “found bots”.
This morning, when I checked they also had 600 or so Fans (likes). Anything over 100 and you are stuck with the name you chose unless you have legal proof and fill out a form. No $2,000 in advertising needed.
Case in Point: My page is titled “Mike Mueller: Marketing, Web Design, & Social Media Consultation” and I keyword stuffed the crap out of it. Then I realized how sucky it sounded but couldn’t change it. I filled out the form on Facebook to request a name change but because I have no legal proof (as in change of DBA status) I’m hosed.
Right from the start I had my questions and doubts
They may be legit – I still don’t know. This afternoon they got national attention from multiple sources.
Their Page shot from 600 to over 1,000 LIKES and is on fire (so to speak).
Will they keep their Facebook Page now?
Will they move to Google Plus?
Will Betty tell Chad that Susie’s Baby really isn’t hers?
Ok, enough of the over dramatic soap opera crap!
Lost in all of this is the simple fact that Facebook, Google Plus, or any other network we try to manipulate in order generate business, isn’t ours. We’re playing in someone else’s sandbox. They make up the rules and we can either abide by them and keep playing – or get up and leave.
Remember that whiny kid back in kindergarten who stomped his feet, crying and announced he he would leave if he didn’t get to play with the tractor? He never did actually leave but he did get a lot of attention (for a while).
That’s how I feel – how about you?
UPDATE I: Facebook responds by saying it’s almost impossible to create a bot to click ads as you would have to also create fake accounts and be logged in to the network to even see an ad. The Page name they wanted? It’s already taken by a running magazine. The company that legally owns the name (as in trademark) can get that page name in a matter of hours.
UPDATE II: The cry baby, whining, temper tantrum throwing page is almost up to 2,000 LIKES. But they’ll soon find out they are irrelevant likes brought on by the PR and will add squat to their bottom line.
UPDATE III: I’ve decided to delete my Page as well. I’ve wanted to change it’s name to and have been denied again by the Facebook Oppression Team. I also discovered there are BOTS on the internet reading my posts!
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