Just a reminder, on March 30th all your Pages will be switched over to Timeline style.
To start with, that means you should already have a cover photo up. If you have graphic capabilities, that image will ultimately be 851 x 351px.
I’ve been finding that if I create an image exactly 851 wide but a little taller it gives me the capability to position it exactly where I want it. If I upload am image that’s wider (like the 900px in the video) Facebook will resize that to 851 meaning you won’t be able to drag it horizontaly.
There’s also a few other images you’ll need…
The Profile Image:
What used to be a max of 540 x 180px is now reduced to a 180px square. That image will become a 125 px image on the page. I’m particularly bummed about this as my business cards were actually duplicates of my tall profile on my Facebook page.
Your Apps can have their own cover images too! To the right of your description (under the cover photo) will be 4 boxes and maybe a few more under the dropdown arrow. You can arrange the order of these with the exception of Photos (read: Move Your Apps). You can change the name of each and upload an separate image for each as well. The magic numbers for these are 111px by 74px.
Are you Graphically Challenged? Need help creating that cover image?
For the do it yourself type here’s an online image called PicMonkey. It’s from the same people that created Picnik. It’s free and pretty cool. Bookmark it and yes, you can thank me now.
For the “can’t I pay someone to do this for me?” type, I can help. Heck, I’ll also do it for free*!
* I say almost because I really will do it for free but also send you a link to my Mountain Bike and Camera Wish lists on Amazon and leave it at that.
So go get your Cover Images ready for the big change and get back to making your pages ROCK!
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