File this under “yet another Linkedin Post” and forget about it.
Unless you think somebody somewhere might someday Google your name.
At that point, your Linkedin Profile will probably come up in the search engine results.
Don’t like Linkedin? Don’t have time to mess with another social media network? You don’t know anyone who actually uses Linkedin? You setup your profile 3 years ago, nothing has changed since then – so why go back?
I get it.
But when was the last time you checked out how you look to those that Google you? Think about this – We all agree first impressions are so important. Linkedin may be your next potential clients first impression of you. Scared yet?
We know they use The Google (or The Bing) but we don’t know if they are going to be signed in to Linkedin do we?
Here’s what we do know.
1. A search for your name will find your long forgotten Linkedin Profile and put it high on Page 1.
2. There’s two very different versions of your Profile on Linkedin. Which version they see depends on if they are logged in to Linkedin or not. Chances are they won’t be.
So let’s assume your next potential client finds your neglected Linkedin Profile – what do they see? Are you sure? When was the last time you checked?
For the record: I do ‘optimize’ clients Linkedin Profiles on a regular basis but this is something you can do yourself. If you want to hire me to do so – hit me up!
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