It happens.
Sometimes we connect to people only to find out they clash with our idea of people we want to associate with.
Sometimes we connect to people just because they asked – or they connected to us first.
Sometimes we connect to people only to find out later that “these are not the droids we’re looking for.”
Whatever the reason, when that happens on Facebook, Twitter and even Google Plus it’s easy to unfriend or unfollow or uncircle.
When that happens on Linkedin… Well, let’s just say it isn’t easy.
Virginia Hepp asked me over the weekend…
Seriously, I don’t know everything. Far far from it. The good news is that I actually know the answer to your question! I had written a post on the subject a while back but like all things internet, things have changed since then.
So here’s a brand new post on how to remove a Linkedin connection.
With the new Linkedin redesign it’s actually easier than it used to be.
Step One: Sign in to Linkedin and go to your Contacts Tab
Step Two: Click on the Remove Connections link.
Step Three: Check the boxes of those you want to remove and click the button!
How simple is that?
Thanks for the question Virginia, and thanks for the redesign to make it easy Linkedin!
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