What used to be called G-Suite is now called Google Workspace. I've been doing a lot of custom client work in it lately. Most know it just as the place they have their email handled (MX Servers) so that they can have cool email addresses like mike@areweconnected.com. Hey! I've used it since the …
Google Plus
What happened to my Google Authorship?
A funny thing happened the other day and you probably missed it... GOOGLE AUTHORSHIP IS DEAD! Actually Google didn't drop their highly touted "Google Authorship" but they heavily modified it. They are in the process of removing the pictures and circle counts. Apparently they thought all those …
Is viral content worth it?
Viral is such a funny concept. I see so many small businesses going after 'viral'. My opinion? Viral is like that car you saw online, travelled miles to go buy. But when you get there, she's not at all what you thought she would look like. Every year at this time I see a huge traffic spike on …
Circling Back
First of all, there's no rule, no law, and no Miss Manners etiquette that says if someone friends, follows or circles you that you have to reciprocate. This is totally up to you. On Facebook, I try as best I can to accept all friend requests for my Profile. On Twitter, there’s actually a …
Guys Talking Tech
My friend Patrick Healy started something and I'm really liking it! It's simply called Guys Talking Tech and in general terms that pretty much describes it. It's an hour long podcast (vodcast?), done using the Google Plus Hangout with 6 really smart guys (and me). It's broadcast straight to …
iGoogle is iGoing Away!
I absolutely love my Google Feedreader. I absolutely love my Google Calendar. I absolutely love my Gmail too! Add to that a task list, sports scores (for just my NHL teams), local weather and current traffic and then put it all on a single webpage and that is what iGoogle is. It’s perfect …
How to Trick The Google
I've played a few tricks on you in the past. Most recently I've shown you how I got ranked at the top for a huge trending topic. That was a trick - I was really illustrating the power of social search - or as Google puts it "Personal Results". When I'm signed in to Google, any search I do is …
Google Drive Launches
Google launched their Cloud Storage "Google Drive" on a slow roll out yesterday. What's Google Drive? Well it's kind of just like DropBox. Simply it's an App. That App creates a folder on your computer. Anything in that folder (on your hard drive) is also copied to the online site and …
My Secret SEO Weapon
So last week I wrote a blog post. It was focused on writing for Readers vs writing for SEO. Somewhere along the way I also had the idea of this blog post (which is about the power of Google +) and decided to tie the two together. To do so, I needed to play a trick on you. Sorry about …
Circle Six Saturday: Episode 6
With Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought this weeks theme should be all about Turkey! That was fine until I started looking for Turkey themed pages. Zilch, Nadda, Zippo! The same goes for my search for stuffing, green beans and all the other fixings that go along with our annual feast. …
Circle Six Saturday: Episode 5
PAGES! The long awaited news has finally arrived – you can now get a Google Plus Page for your business! I started with the idea of giving a shout out to 6 different people I think you might want to follow on Google plus. For those of you new to this, think of it as my Follow Friday only for …
Google+ Pages opens up!
To say I’ve been looking forward to Google Pages would be an understatement! As a huge fan of Facebook Pages, I can see G+ Pages becoming HUGE! Here's my 1st Page: https://plus.google.com/104579904029888130591/about (check it out) While it’s a slow rollout, if you want to create a G+ Page …