Personally I don’t, but I do hear that line all the time.
Back in September of 2011, Facebook announced the new Timeline at their developer conference and immediately made it an option for Developers to turn on and try on their own Profiles. In a cool little trick you had to have Timeline on your Profile to see others Timelines. People who didn’t switch just didn’t see it. I think they did this to create a mystique and buzz around it.
At that time Facebook said they were also going to push this out to everyone in the coming months. Turns out that didn’t happen and still hasn’t (although they keep hinting that they will soon).
March 30th, 2012 saw a mandatory roll out of Timeline for Pages. Every Page is now on Timeline. Remember that “You have to have it to see it” trick they did for Profiles above? Not so for Pages. Everyone sees the Page’s Timeline even if they don’t have Timeline on their Profile. I’m guessing they did this to help people get used to Timeline in a softer way.
If and when they finally do switch your Profile over to Pages – please don’t bitch. Please don’t circulate petitions trying to get them to change back. Instead just do as George suggests and accept change.
* This video, done shortly after the conference is an oldie but goodie. Besides, anytime I can sneak a little Takei into a post it’s a WIN!
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