So you don’t like the new Facebook Dashboard, or the Newsfeed and the new Scroller keeps pulling you away from what you want to see. Change is inevitable and in social media – it happens very quickly. So quit crying Cupcake, let’s all man up a little and deal with the new Facebook, ok?
Besides, there are some people that really like the changes! (ok, maybe just Mark Zuckerberg)
How To Disable the Facebook Ticker and use LISTS like a Boss:
LISTS have always been the key to better Facebook’n. They better control your privacy, who you share to, and who can interact with you and how. But the public in general were not using the feature so Facebook created the auto lists. It’s a nice try but with 4,000+ ‘friends’ Facebook’s auto list of friends just get’s it wrong.
As a ‘sales person’ I want to see, reply, LIKE, connect, and share with those that are most apt to refer me my next client. Who’s on that list? NOT the people Facebook automatically put on a list. If you are in sales, you know exactly who I’m talking about (my past clients, present clients etc.) You might have them as an A, B or C list in your own database. Truth is, there a whole lot of people in my Friends List that I don’t know, don’t know me, and probably will never refer any business to me.
So the goal for me is to sort and sift for just those ‘wonderful’ people, see what’s happening in their lives, touch base with them, and be able get back to that again and again. I don’t want to rely on an Auto List and I certainly don’t want to rely on EdgeRank or Top Stories.
BTW: I was able to capture when my account changed over live.
Do you like the new dashboard?
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