I’m Mike Mueller and I hand build websites.
I would love to build one for you!
Depending on your needs, that website could come in three different install configurations each with a few options. In the end, I want to build the site you want.
Each site I create
- Is Mobile Responsive
- Has Great SEO Capabilities
- Is Fully Indexed by Google
- Is Fully Owned by You
Additionally your site will have all the right plugins you need.
Install #1: THE SINGLE PAGE WEBSITE ($150)
If all you need is a simple place on the internet, this might be the right option for you.
Your site will have all the basics: who you are, what you do, contact information, even video.
It will all be on one single page. (click HERE for a sample)
It’ll also come with a custom email address using your domain name (i.e Tom@YourDomain.com).
How Long? It’ll be done in just three business days!
WordPress is a great system for the Do It Yourself type but you have to do it right. That means starting with the right database configuration and a few others technical things.
Choose this option and I’ll do a proper install on the host of your choice.
Choose any Genesis Premium theme (up to a $99.95 value!).
All the basic plugins will also be installed.
Premium Plugins like Gravity Forms will also be installed ($39.00 value!).
I’ll include standard instructional videos on how to best use your system.
From there, the foundation will be there for you to start creating the site you like.
Turn around time? Just three business days!
This option includes a properly setup WordPress install, a Premium Genesis Theme of your choice, all the right plugins, great SEO and almost everything you would need. Everything that’s included above but with none of the work! Your site will look great and you’ll be ready to go. Typically these are complete and launched in 10 business days.
Options: (available on all installs)
Shared GREEN Hosting:
Did you know that web servers are a huge drain on the world’s energy grid? They don’t just plug into the wall – they require huge A/C cooling, backup and redundant systems and so much more. It doesn’t have to be this way. This option sets you up on a shared hosting plan that sources all of it’s power from wind and solar. As a matter of fact they have a NEGATIVE 300% Carbon Footprint! We’ll proudly display your Green site in your footer as well!
Automatic Backup to Amazon S3 or Dropbox:
No matter how well a site is built it’s also better to have a regular backup just in case. WordPress makes it easy to download a backup of your content (pages and posts). The problem is two fold, you forget to backup and download the file and it doesn’t backup the theme, the plugins, or any of the coding changes that make your site special. This option will automatically create a complete backup of your site (the posts, the pages, the theme, the plugins, everything!) and then send that file to yet another place that’s safe, either Amazon S3 or your Dropbox account. Nothing for you to do and if the unthinkable ever happens you’ll be back to normal with just a few clicks!
OPTIONS: (available on the COMPLETE install only)
FAQs have been around a long time but something changed in the last few years. Mosts sites just create a single Page of FAQs and call it a day. That’s not good enough. People don’t search Google like they used to. Today, they ask their smartphone a question. Google knows this and doesn’t rank sites for keywords like it used to – today it uses these questions. If your site has a properly built FAQ section, the title of these questions match the questions users are searching Google with and you can guess what happens next. By adding a FAQ custom post type to your site and then creating and submitting a specific sitemap to Google, we’ll increase or chances that when somebody asks a question we’ll be there with the answer! If needed I’ll create custom taxonomies for your FAQ categories.
Just like the FAQ – the easy short cut would be to create a page with testimonials. We can do much better and still keep it easy. With this option you’ll have the ability to create an individual testimonial item. You can display them all on a single page or just show one in the sidebar or footer of your site. Because they are individual, I’ll also create a sitemap for each of them and then submit them to Google for indexing. If needed I’ll create a custom taxonomy for different testimonials (as in for Buyers and Sellers)
Depending on what you do, you may want to display your past clients and work in an organized manner. This custom post type will give you the ability to add a Portfolio item to your site. Of course these will also have their own sitemap and be individually submitted to Google for indexing.
Landing Pages / Squeeze Pages:
Are you running Facebook, Google or other ad campaigns? For the best conversions, you’ll want to lead them to a custom landing page. With this option you’ll have the ability to create as many different Landing Pages as you like.
3rd Party IDX:
(For Real Estate Sites) If you are in real estate and you want a home search function, we can add a simple iframe or redirect to your home search function from your local MLS. If you want to kick it up a few notches you’ll want to add a 3rd party IDX. If it’s properly built into your site every property a visitor looks at will create a new dynamic page on your site. This will trigger a new entry into your sitemap and we’ll make sure that sitemap is automatically submitted to Google for indexing. For some sites that dramatically increase the pages available. You’ll be casting a wide net for new visitors.
Newsletter System:
Once you attract a new visitor you’ll want to come back. Nothing does this better than a newsletter. With this option I’ll create an automatic newsletter based on your site that pulls from your posts. I’ll also create calls to action to encourage subscriptions including a smart pop up if you like.
Ready to get started?
Have you read the T.O.S.?