I ONCE attended a church management class. One thing I never forgot was making people feel welcome starts outside the church building. How do people find your church? What are the road signs leading to it? What's your parking lot like? Do you have background music in your parking lot? Does your …
My Open Letter to a President Goes Viral (well, sort of)
As Mike very well know when I started writing in this blog, I am not the biggest fan of social networking. I was probably the last seasoned agent on the internet to sign up for Facebook & Twitter. I think it stemmed from my general dislike of real-world cocktail parties and …
5-Year Question Every Online Marketer Needs to Ask
I JUST REACHED my 5-year blogging milestone. And even though I'm not as efficient blogging machine as Mr. Mike Mueller; blogging has been a major contributor to the bottom line of my business. But like what our grandmas used to say, If you want a sweet, juicy fruit you would have to wait for it …
How To Make Video That Leaves Your Readers Breathless
(This is a quick post about an SLR camera that captures videos like a hollywood film.) LAST SUMMER, my friend Valen casually mentioned to me a new SLR camera that has "the same quality as the ones they use to make independent films." She had my ears. Because at that time I was just daydreaming …
Why I Don’t Like Groupon (yet)
Maybe it's just the barking, old man in me (wary of hype and suspicious of structures built on sand); perhaps even traces of envy, maybe because I don't use it, or I just don't like how the Founder, in my opinion, tries too hard to be eccentric. I don't know, but from a professional and personal …
How a Hard Core SEO Guy Learned to Live with Facebook and Twitter
Before I finish writing a sentence in this very respectable blog, let me preface this by making a confession: I am utterly terrified of social media. I didn't have a personal Facebook account until I had to. I sometimes still catch myself saying sardonic remarks under my breath about Twitter (at …