I'm a big fan of RSS (real simple syndication) - it powers a bunch of stuff you may never think about. If you get my newsletter, it's because of RSS. I also read about 200 blog posts a day - all via RSS (and feed.ly). RSS makes the internet better for busy people. Much better. I'm also a fan …
Search Results for: rss
You can thank RSS (for almost everything)
My top 3 reasons you should thank RSS for almost everything on the internet. Including 3 bonus very cool things you didn't know RSS could do. So, I came across a post in my Feed.ly about RSS that combined a couple of my favorite things Facebook and Blogging (and as a subset, RSS). Post by …
How to find your RSS feed
So apparently yet another Google product is going the way of the dodo bird. This time it's FeedBurner. HINT: Even if you don't care about RSS, it's time to find a new RSS delivery system. Remember, your RSS feed isn't for you, it's for them. We want to make it a great experience for …
Battling For Your Attention
I've said it before and it bears repeating. We're in a constant battle for attention. One of the reasons we blog in the first place is to get our message out. The problem today is that the attention span of the reader has become so very short and new information is bombarding them from all angles …
What type of content can you put up on your site?
This is a series that I hope will get you thinking a little deeper about your website, marketing plan and goals for the coming year. You might be familiar with "The Five Ws", this would of course be the second of them. You can read the whole series here. Ok, so part of the reason you want a …
What the heck does “canonical” mean?
And why should I care? This week I've had two potential clients talk to me about their websites (we're going to revamp what they already have) and both need to understand what Canonical means when it comes to the content on their websites. Maybe you do too? It's all about Duplicate …
10 things to do on your website over a 3 Day Weekend
I believe the three day weekend is a huge boost to the small business owner. It certainly is for me. It's not because we can get away to the cabin or lake for 3 days. It's not because we can get together with our friends and families. It's not because of the BBQs, parties, the mountain bike …
17 Reasons why you need a HOME Base (and why it should be on WordPress)
Here we go again with another EPIC blog post... ;) I am presenting a webinar for a group of real estate agents today and I thought I would share the same content with you as I did with them. Here's why every agent needs to OWN their own website and why it should be on WordPress. Like any of my …
Highly Questionable Email Subscribers
You might know I LOVE my newsletter system. It's an automatic, RSS driven newsletter that delivers the posts here on the site directly to my subscribers. There's no other system out there that keeps my name, and what I do, in front of the people that matter most to my business. It's the …
5 shocking social media facts – ROI of 4,300%?
You know I'm all about new technology, cutting edge stuff and being engaged with your audience. Real conversations, real relationship building. Automation? Nope. That's not me. I'm also no "Coach". I build products and sell products. Along the way I know what works and what doesn't work and …
Building My Newsletter List
Last post I described in detail why I have a newsletter. I also mentioned a bit about how it all happens. Did you read that yet? (click here) The one roadblock to all this success is getting people to sign up for it in the first place. Here's what I'm doing right now to build my Newsletter …
Are you getting my Newsletter?
Somehow I get thousands of people visiting my site each month. Some of them come from LIKEs and Shares they see in the their Facebook stream. Some of them From Twitter, Linkedin, and even Google Plus (yeah that network). I also have a HUGE amount of visitors from various Google Searches in …