Name: Lesley Lambert
Bio: Lesley Lambert is a 25 year veteran of real estate in Western Massachusetts and works at Park Square Realty in Westfield, MA 01085. A self professed social media abuser and real estate geek girl, Lesley loves to find new ways to implement all things nerdy into her real estate marketing and business.
Blogger Since: 2007
Do you have a schedule for writing? Some people write only when the urge strikes them, others only when they have time, and still others abide by a strict editorial calendar. How do you work this and has that changed over time?
I don’t. I have tried to set one up, but my creativity (and open time) seems to come in fits and starts, so now I just roll with it and post as often as I can. If I am very prolific, I might write several and save a couple to publish later.
Continual growth is important. As it pertains to learning and staying on top of the business, what is it that you continuously do to ‘sharpen the saw’? This could be anything from watching TED talks to reading books, to attending conferences. Where do you find these resources?
I am constantly looking for ways to grow and improve in my business. On my plan for 2015 is to improve and extend my direct marketing to my sphere and targeted geographies. I always love attending events like PodCamps, RE BarCamps and other conventions, when time allows!
Getting the Word Out. As a blogger, writing is one thing. Content distribution is another. Do you follow a specific plan once the post is published to draw in more readers? Social media, newsletters, reposting…
I try to publish the blog posts all over the place, but I use different techniques depending on the platform. For example: a Twitter lead in to a blog post link will be short and hopefully intriguing while the Facebook business page lead in will be a bit longer and potentially be a question that the blog post answers. I always try to use great graphics (either mine or copyright approved) to be sure to maximize visual platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. My blog turns into a newsletter once a month, as well.
Thinking specifically about technology and tools – what is the one thing that has had a significant and positive impact on your success and in what way? This could be a tool like Dropbox, a smartphone, social media. Something you bought, something you subscribe to, or something that was free.
Sounds cliche’ and certainly it is not original, but my iPhone is my game changer. With this fantastic device I am able to run my entire business from virtually anywhere if I need to. All the cloud based and business specific apps that are available make working from the elementary school parking lot a breeze! I am a single mom of two very active young girls and being mobile is crucial to my business.
Who do you admire, look up to, or respect and why? Not looking for the “Abe Lincoln” answer, so Presidents, Candidates, Authors and Wayne Gretzky are out. Amongst your friends, coworkers, and others in your industry – who is it that you really admire? What is it about them (or their business)?
I totally admire the other Twitterqueens across the globe. Through that hashtag I am now surrounded by some of the most creative, generous and motivating individuals I have ever met. People like you Mike, but also Diane Guercio, Debbie Kirkland, Chris Griffith, Amy Cesario, Lisa Oden, Jeremy Blanton and a host of other amazing individuals have totally changed the way that I approach my business and through the power of social media, I continue to be inspired to write new posts and try new online marketing techniques.
Read the Whole Series / Are you ready for your 5ive?
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing the Perfect Blog Post - March 14, 2023
- 8 Questions Your Web Developer Should Have Asked - April 27, 2021
- Slack, Chat or Discord? - April 6, 2021