Name: Amy Cesario
Bio: After working for the Denver Nuggets for ten years, helping players, coaches, executives and their families relocate to Denver, the Assistant GM and several players helped me realize how much I loved that part of my job. They recognized my entrepreneurial tendencies and encouraged me to jump in. After saving $30,000 I decided to make this my career, after all, what could be better than introducing the amazing amenities our city has to offer to new residents, while they fall in love with our sunshine.
I grew up in the city, and so my heart migrates back there often. It isn’t anything like it was while we were ditching seniors cruising the streets before there was a 16th Street Mall or a Mall bus. Lofts were just that, lofts, poor artist types lived in them, and they were rough places to live. Larimer Square came to life my senior year of high school. I think there was more shopping than there is now, maybe people just didn’t eat out as much? The excitement is still there, maybe more so now.
Blogger Since: 2008
Question #1: Thinking specifically about technology and tools – what is the one thing that has had a significant and positive impact on your success and in what way?
My smart phone. I like droid or google based and always want the one with the best camera. I have no interest in being a fabulous photographer but I will tell someone to hold while I take a photo, while I am talking to them on the phone. Sometimes the photo sparks my thought for a blog post, and if I have no words, a photo is worth a thousand right? I totally love Instagram and Canva right now to help make an average photo better.
Question #2: SuperMan is a comic book. So is WonderWoman. Everyone has a weak area. What is that one area that you feel could use improvement? Do you avoid it, struggle through it, or know when to call in the Professionals?
Being consistent in posting is my weak spot. I have tons of things I have written or made a videos of. I probably need someone to help me go through my articles and have them on back up so that when I cannot be in front of my computer they can help me by posting it and putting it on all the social media sites. Once it is out there, I always have time to respond and engage, which is the best part!
Question #3: Monetization or ROI. Few people blog just for the fun of it. Most have a very specific goal in mind. What’s the metric you use to determine if your blogging is reaching that goal?
When I start receiving private messages, phone calls emails and texts asking me about real estate I have met my goal. I don’t need a thousand likes or plusses. Private conversations are my goal.
Question #4: Getting the word out. As a blogger, writing is one thing. Content distribution is another. Do you follow a specific plan once the post is published to draw in more readers? Social media, newsletters, reposting…
Over the years my plan changes based on either what I like at the moment or what seems to be hot. If my facebook group is being engaging I post there first. If my Google + community is being more engaging I post there first. I listen to my engagers. I post when they are on and I follow people like Mike Mueller and Marci James who advise us on how the platforms are changing. I will send a blog post to twitter many times. I use Buffer to help autopost when I know I can’t be at my computer.. I use icontact to send newsletters/blog posts to those I am not connected to on social media. I post every blog or video to every platform just not always in the same order.
Question #5: Your Craziest Moment. What is the craziest, strangest moment you’ve had as a direct result of your blogging efforts?
I recorded a video and posted it on my blog about how to sell your home and not long after a seller called and wanted me to sell his home. I hadn’t ever met him or his family, we didn’t have any connections on any other social media so he found me via a google search, watched my videos and as he went through the house he showed me all the things they did based on my videos and blog. We had the house sold in no time a year before the market started rocking again in the hardest hit neighborhood of foreclosures for more dollars per square foot than anyone had gotten in the neighborhood and a cash deal so a quick close. I was new to video and I did it based on a challenge Mike put out to help us bloggers get motivated. Which reminds me I better go make another video or two to put on my blog!!!
Another awesome set of answers! Thanks Amy! Looking forward to that video 😉
Read the Whole Series / Are you ready for your 5ive?
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing the Perfect Blog Post - March 14, 2023
- 8 Questions Your Web Developer Should Have Asked - April 27, 2021
- Slack, Chat or Discord? - April 6, 2021